Cite details and abstract

        AUTHOR             = {R. C. Crida and G de Jager},
        ADDRESS            = {Pretoria University},
        BOOKTITLE          = {Proceedings of the Third South African Workshop on Pattern Recognition},
        EDITOR             = {Liesbeth Botha and Pieter Vermeulen},
        JOURNAL            = {Third South African Workshop on Pattern Recognition},
        MONTH              = nov,
        PAGES              = {130--135},
        TITLE              = {Rock Recognition using Neural Networks},
        YEAR               = {1992},
        DATE               = {Thursday 26 November 1992}
        ABSTRACT           = {
The analysis of rock scenes can provide important information for many processes in the mining industry. Rock scenes are difficult to segment using machine vision because they contain many possible complicated configurations of rocks, and each rock is different. The problem with image segmentation techniques is a lack of general image content information. This paper presents a pattern recognition scheme based on neural networks for analysing a rock scene to determine all the rock sizes and positions in the image. This information will greatly simplify the task of segmenting the image as starting points will be known. } }